
Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Philippians 4:8


Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

Matthew 5:16


There’s a post going around Facebook that spoke to me, and I thought I’d share it.

There is a story they tell of two dogs. Both at separate times walk into the same room. One comes out wagging his tail while the other comes out growling. A woman watching this goes into the room to see what could possibly make one dog so happy and the other so mad. To her surprise, she finds a room filled with mirrors. The happy dog found a thousand happy dogs looking back at him, while the angry dog saw only angry dogs growling back at him. What you see in the world around you is a reflection of who you are.

Friends, we live in a ridiculously crazy world filled with unspeakable violence, sadness, sickness, betrayal, and a whole host of other things. It can be tempting and easy to see nothing but the negativity and the challenges, and forget that we, as believers, have our hope in something other than this world. It can be difficult to understand why things happen the way they do and to whom they do, and that difficulty can cause us to doubt. That doubt and negativity can seemingly quench the light that is within us, and we become the angry dog in the story above. In fact, that’s what the enemy wants us to become—that angry dog whose scowl reflects every last wrong that was ever done to him or her, the one whose use of certain language and hand gestures in traffic is at odds with the ICTHUS sticker on his or her car, the one who silently (and sometimes not so silently) judges others with an air of superiority that harkens the prayer of the Pharisee in the parable Jesus shares about the Pharisee and the tax collector.  

But we must withstand the attacks of the enemy. We must focus on being the light in the darkness—that light that reflects Jesus. I’m not saying that as followers of Christ that we can’t have our days in which things just don’t seem to go our way, and that we just have to force ourselves to smile and be Pollyanna to everyone we meet. That’s just plain silly. What I am challenging us each to do however, especially yours truly who wears her heart on her sleeve, her emotions on her face, and who suffers from incredibly thin skin, is to strive for perspective in the face of troubles, to understand that the Lord’s promises are to work all things together for good to those who love Him and are called to His purpose, and to shine His light in spite of how we may feel.

And the cool thing? We don’t have to do it all on our own. We have the Holy Spirit with us as our Comforter, our Friend, our Protector. We just need to call upon Him, and He will respond.

Prayer Requests

·      For those preparing for the contemporary youth service—our thanks for all that you’ve done, and praise to the Lord for helping us go in the right direction  

·      For those who face dark and negative thoughts and struggle against them

·      For those in our armed forces and their families

·      For those who are searching for meaning in their lives

·      For us to be in constant communion and communication with Him


May we shine His light so that others will see that He is the reason for our joy, our proverbial wagging tail, and our hope.


“A bad attitude is like a flat tire—you won’t go anywhere until you change it.”     


“Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.”                                                            


God's Perfect Knowledge of Me

