Get Involved in Ministries and Teams
The writer of Hebrews tells us that “God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them.” If you feel the Holy Spirit nudging you to get more involved, we have several opportunities within Stone Oak Church to do so. As the Lord continues to grow our church, there will be new ministry opportunities to get involved in. Check back here often as we add more information.
This hard-working team takes care of the professional and administrative aspects of having a church staff. If you’ve got a knack for writing performance reviews and reviewing resumes, have we got a place for you! Contact Mark Hardison if you’d like to be a part of this team.
Adult Ministries
Adult Bible Study, led by George Yarian, meets in the Fellowship Hall Sundays at 9:30. George leads the class verse by verse through the Word.
Women’s Bible Study meets on Wednesdays at 10:30 in the Fellowship Hall (except for a summer hiatus). JoEllen Furnish expertly facilitates the studies.
Children’s Ministry
We are excited at how the Lord has grown our children’s ministry program, which teaches not only Sunday School but also has community-focused family events like Easter Egg Hunt and Vacation Bible School. If you have questions or would like to get involved, contact Bob Gaffin.
Communication Committee
Effective communication is the key to ensuring that everyone knows what is going on — both in the congregation and those seeking to find a church home. Contact Jane Hasty if you’d like to be a part of this exciting ministry.
Hospitality and Social Events
Not only does this team organize meals at the church-wide level, as we love our potlucks, but they also ensure that people within the church body are fed. From organizing meals for our less-than-mobile church members to coordinating food and support for times of funerals, graduations, and the like, this dedicated team is a vital part of our church. Interested in being a part of such a team? Contact Jane Hasty.
If you’re looking to flex your accounting muscle and help with the budget and financial forecasting, we would love to have you on this team. To learn more, contact Steve Kale.
This team is responsible for coordinating the upkeep of the church facilities, and they do a bang-up job! From quarterly all-church workdays, to groundskeeping and more, this team gets the job done. For more information, contact Cody Wilkerson.
Ever wondered how the worship service is planned and tweaked as new technology and other solutions arise? C’mon and join the Worship Committee—talk to Laura McCroskey for more details.