The Alpha and the Omega

We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord.

                           2 Corinthians 5:8

And He said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts.  He who overcomes shall inherit all things, and I will be his God and he shall be My son.

                           Revelation 21:6-7

 My father Glenn married Helen, a woman he had met through a Christian dating site about six years after my mother had passed away suddenly in their home. Helen was a kind and giving woman with a beautiful soul, seven years younger than my dad, and my sister and I welcomed her into our family with love and thankful anticipation that my dad would have a companion in his proverbial golden years. Since they got married when I was 40, I would inadvertently start to refer to her mistakenly as my mother-in-law, stopping midway before correcting myself to call her my dad’s wife. It felt a little odd to refer to her as my stepmother. Estranged from her own daughter for reasons unbeknownst to her, Helen sought to provide the friendship and support adult children need, and I loved her for it.

Dad and Helen traveled fairly extensively, something for which I am thankful, as my mom didn’t feel very comfortable traveling. Helen grew up the daughter of missionary parents in Africa, and she and Dad returned there on a couple of trips, Helen’s heart full of love for the place she called home. In the past couple of years, however, their travels slowed down a bit as Helen faced a series of unrelated health problems, some due to medical conditions, and others caused by errant falls and trips. As my prayer meeting friends can attest, Helen was on our prayer list quite frequently. Throughout each bout of physical challenge, despite the pain or resultant discomfort, Helen’s countenance shone brightly, powered by her faith and love for the Lord.

The Lord called Helen home last Friday, a couple of days after a successful rotator cuff surgery, when she passed away in their home while sleeping. She had taken a tumble in the middle of the night, being disoriented, and I believe that something occurred in that fall that eventually caused her to pass. Regardless of what caused it, she is with our Lord right now, without physical ailment, without pain, without tears. A beloved daughter of the King is now with her Father, and although I mourn her passing and the resultant gap in our family, I am overjoyed that she is with Him as I write this.

In the book of Revelation, The Lord tells us that He is the Alpha and the Omega. I was thinking about that this morning in my prayers. In the Greek alphabet, I’m sure you know, Alpha is the first letter and Omega, the last. To oversimplify His word—God the is the beginning and the end. Many of us look at death as an end of sorts, and it is—of this mortal life and body. But for those who believe in Him, death is not the end of “us”; it is simply and beautifully the beginning of our physical and eternal time with Him. Think of it—to be in the presence of Almighty God—our Creator, our Father, the One who loves us unconditionally—what a mind-boggling, overwhelming, amazing and indescribable joy we will experience at that moment, and in the ones to come with our resurrection bodies, and the new heaven and new earth. Glory be to God!

Prayer Requests

·      For those who do not know our Lord yet – that we can be instruments in the hand of a loving God in sharing the good news

·      For families like Bruce Richter and Bob Gaffin, facing the eventual loss of their family members

·      For families and individuals facing the impact of COVID-19, health-wise, financially, and the like

·      For government leaders and people of influence – that they be united in seeking godly wisdom

Folks, it is because of what Jesus did on the cross that we have the hope of what Helen is experiencing right now. His sacrifice meant that instead of eternal damnation, we as believers have eternal life. May we share that message of hope with those yet to believe.


“Be an Esther, bold and courageous enough to stand for the truth, to voice your opinion and fight for the good of others, even when it means to sacrifice yourself. If God has put you in a position, it is for a purpose. Never be afraid to heed that inner voice.”

“You’ve got to preach with your life before you can preach with your mouth.”               --Brian Beasley


The Golden Rule


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