We’re Worshiping In Person Again!

We are excited to announce that this Sunday, August 23, 2020, we will have services in the sanctuary again! Our number one priority is that you and your family stay safe. This means that things will look a little different than usual as we are taking additional precautions to create a “touchless” experience to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19.


We have re-arranged the Sanctuary to allow for social distancing. We have measured and observed the recommended standard of 6 feet between each family/household and are using a reduced number of pews so that there is at least one pew separating attendees.  Please do not remove the tape at the end of the pews since it is part of our social distancing measures.  Our ushers will happily guide you directly to your seat if you desire.

The Christian Education building will not be open—we will not have nursery services or children’s church. Sunday services will be family services and only the Sanctuary will be accessible. We will not be using the cry room. Please do not linger in the common areas, such as the Narthex and patio. We ask that you go directly into the sanctuary.

To help prevent the spread of infection, we are encouraging everyone school age and older to wear a face mask. Team members like ushers and our pastor will, in addition to wearing face masks, have their temperature checked upon arrival. Note that our pastor and liturgist will not wear masks when they are conducting the service.

Before each service, the sanctuary, including all chairs and high-touch surfaces will be disinfected.

Hand sanitizing stations will be available in the narthex.

Drinking fountains will not be available for use.

We will not pass the peace nor hold hands together and sing the last song like we have in the past. When we have communion, we will partake prepackaged bread and grape juice.

We will not pass offering plates during the service but encourage you to give while exiting at one of the stations at the rear of the Sanctuary. 


As you arrive, a team member will be present to greet you and guide you to your seat within the sanctuary if you desire. We will sanitize every pew within the sanctuary and all high-touch areas between services.  Doors will open approximately 20 minutes before each service.


We care about your health and safety. If you are sick, have a fever, present any signs of cold, flu, or COVID-19 symptoms, or if you have been in contact with anyone who has had COVID-19 in the past 14 days, please stay home and join us for an online service.

If you are in a high-risk group, we also encourage you to continue attending online.

Please wear a mask while you find your seat or move about the church. You don’t have to wear your mask while sitting, as long as you follow the safety protocols.  We encourage you to bring your own mask, but should you forget we will have masks and bandanas available. Infants and toddlers will not be required to wear a mask.

Please maintain the six-feet social distancing between anyone not in your family/household. In place of shaking hands, hugs, and high fives, we encourage air hugs, waves, and air hearts!

Please wash your hands and use hand sanitizer often.  Automatic hand sanitizer stations will be located in the Narthex.

Once you have been seated in the sanctuary, please remain in your seat.

Please wait for your section to be dismissed before leaving the sanctuary.


We have been grateful for the ability to continue worshiping together at Stone Oak Church online during this time. We encourage you to continue to attend one of our online services if you or a family member doesn’t feel well, is considered at-risk, or if you're just not ready to attend an in-person service. You are part of the Stone Oak Church family no matter how you choose to attend! 

Church Online:

Stone Oak Cumberland Presbyterian Church Facebook (video tab)

Or our YouTube channel, where the livestream video will be placed shortly after the end of the service. We also have the latest YouTube videos on the website.


YouTube Channel